 崇文英语 - 7年级 2006-4期 Free Zone GlobalGlimpses

The weather insome cities in America

(湖北武汉 Emma供稿)

The weather in Seattle

Most of the weather in Seattle is cloudy.
The temperature is 8~18 degrees.
Today is April 24th.
The weather in Seattle is cloudy.
The temperature is 9~17 ℃.
The weather is not bad.
But if you want to go outside, you have to put on your coat.


美国本土西北部重要城市和海港。位于华盛顿州,西临与太平洋相通的皮吉特湾,东滨华盛顿湖。城市建在7座小丘上,东、西水域外围群山环抱,森林茂密。气候温暖,1月和7月平均气温分别为2 ℃和 24℃。年平均降水量 810毫米,夏季晴朗干燥;秋冬多阴雨。

The weather in Los Angeles

Today is May 1st.
The weather is rainy in Los Angeles.
The temperature is 13~20℃.
So when you want to go outside, you have to bring an umbrella and wear a coat.

Los Angeles洛杉矶:

美国第二大城市。位于加利福尼亚州西南部,太平洋东侧的圣佩德罗湾和圣莫尼卡湾沿岸。城市座落在三面环山、一面临海的开阔盆地中,除局部为丘陵外,地面平坦,平均海拔84米;东北和东南面是圣加布列尔山和圣安娜山,森林茂密。气候温和宜人,1月平均气温13.7 ℃,7月23.4 ℃;多晴朗天气,年降水量仅357毫米,以冬雨为主。

The Weather in Chicago

Today is Sunday.
The temperature is 2~12 ℃.
It becomes cloudy and sunny.
Rainfall possibility is 10%.
It is fine, nice and cool.
The weather is very comfortable.
You can go out and play happily.



The Weather in Hawaii

It is 26~31℃. 
It is sunny in Hawaii all the year. 
It is drier than Taiwan. 
It sometimes rains in winter. 
It is cool at night.



The weather in Miami

Today is April 21st.
The weather is sunny in Miami today.
The temperature is 22~30℃.
It is a little hot.
But it is still good for you to go outside.



The weather in Washington

Today is April 30th.
The weather is sunny.
The temperature is 7~20 ℃.
The weather is not bad.
But it is still a little cold.


美国首都,文化、教育中心之一。位于马里兰州与弗吉尼亚州之间。市区位于波托马克河和阿纳卡斯蒂亚河汇合处的东北岸, 地势平坦,平均海拔约22米,仅西北角有和缓的起伏高地。气候冬冷,夏热,全年湿润。年平均气温12.6℃,7月20~31℃,1月3~6℃;年平均降水量1068毫米,季节分配较均匀。

The weather in New York

Today is Sunday.
It is 12~13 ℃ in New York today.
It always snows in winter.
When the winter comes, you have to wear the big coat to keep your temperature.

New York纽约:


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