 崇文英语 - 8年级 2006-4期 Lesson Zone KeyPoints

Units 4-5 重难点词汇对对碰

(湖北武汉 秦秋)


1. true和real

(1) true强调的是符合事实。


A true friend is a real friend.
Is it true that you are rich?

(2) real则强调的是人或事物是真实地存在的。


Father Christmas isn't real.
I'm going to skate on the real ice.

1) “忠诚的,忠实的”,与介词to 连用。


We must be true to the Party.
Will he be true to his word?

2) “合乎道理或一般标准的,真正的,名副其实的”。


True friendship should last for ever.

① This is a       dog, not a toy.
② Tell me the       reason.
③ Is it       that you are going to Washington?
④ Is the news      ?

2. be able to 和can

(1) “be able to” 用作一般现在时和一般将来时,通常可译作“能”、“能够”、“有能力”等等,它的现在时形式和can一样,可以表示与生俱来的或后天习得的能力(或技能)。


They are all able to swim now.
They can all swim now.

(2) 当“be able to” 用作一般过去时,则常常不是单纯地表示过去的“能力”、“潜力”或“可能性”,而是把“能力”和“成功(完成)”这两层意思结合起来,而且强调的往往是后者。


I could pass the exam. (只是说“我曾有能力通过考试”,而不是说“我成功地通过了考试”。)
I was able to pass the exam. (表示确实通过了考试。)

1) could表“潜能”,“was able to” 表“动作的完成”;此外它们之间还有一个重要的区别,就是could可以用来表示过去习惯性动作的完成,而“was able to” 却不可以。


I could run after a bus and catch it twenty years ago, but I can't do that now.

2) 在肯定句中could表“潜能”,“was (were) able to” 表“动作的完成”;这种区别,在否定句中就没有了,两者都可以表示“动作的(未)完成”。


He hurt his foot, and couldn't play football.
I ran after the bus, but wasn't able to catch it.

① She said she       speak three languages.
 A. can  B. could
 C. is able to D. was able to
② The house was on fire yesterday. Luckily, all the people     get to the safe places.
 A. were able to  B. are able to
 C. can  D. could

3. own 和oneself

(1) own常与形容词性物主代词或名词所有格连用,加强语气,意为“自己的”,one's own 常作定语或介词宾语(如of one's own 和on one's own)。


I can hardly believe my own eyes.
I made the cake with my own hands.
I'm all on my own today.
Sue was so glad to have a new room of her own.

(2) 反身代词oneself 也译成“自己,自身,本人”,但它在句中只能充当宾语和同位语。


You can't leave your son at home by himself.
He threw himself at the foot of the tree.

1) own 作动词时,意为“拥有”。


Now in China many families own computers.

2) by oneself, 意为“独自、单独、靠自己”。
 for oneself, 意为“为自己,代表自己”。
① We finished the work all by     (我们自己).
② At the age of 7, she began to teach     (她自己) art.
③ At the age of 7, she had     (她自己) art works.
④ She cares only for others and not    (她自己).
⑤ He fulfilled the task     (独自).
⑥ The headmaster found the bike of     (他自己).

4. spend, pay, take, cost

(1) spend 一词作谓语时,主语必须是人,表示“用 (钱) 或花费 (时间) ”,常用于句型:“sb. spend time / money on sth. / (in) doing sth.”


I spent 20 on my English - Chinese dictionary.
My sister spent half her pay in buying fashionable clothes each month.

注意:spent表示“花(时间)”时,后面一般用介词in, 而不用on。


She spent the whole evening (in)reading.
They spent two hours in the discussion.

(2) pay一词作谓语时,主语必须是人,表示用钱,常构成以下句型:

“sb. pay some money for sth. to sb.” “sb. pay sb. some money for sth.”


They will pay you for your help.
How much shall I pay you for that?
You'll pay for your carelessness sooner or later.

(3) take表示“花费”,主语是物,常用句型:“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”


How long will it take me to drive there?

(4) cost表示“花费(钱)”主语是物,常用于以下结构:
"sth. cost sb. some money. / sth. cost some money."


How much does this shirt cost?
The mobile of that kind will cost you 2000.

① It took 15 minutes to go upstairs. (       )
② How long did you spend on the dinner? (       )
③ Then you'll have to pay the lost book. (       )
④ My motorbike spent me ¥5000. (       )
⑤ We usually spent half an hour to finish the homework. (       )
⑥ How much did it take the ancient Chinese to build the Great Wall?
(       )

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