
Missing My Grade School Days怀念美好的中学生活

时间:2010-07-03 21:35来源:网络原创 作者:英语作文网 点击:
中学生活是如此美好,如此地让人怀念,那时的人是这么的纯真,那么的友好,同学间有着说不尽的趣事,这一切都是让人如此地怀念呀;依稀记得那时校舍有点破旧,老师也不多,但我们学到的知识却不比那些新学校的少。 I began school at seven in accordance wi


I began school at seven in accordance with the law in a remote village. Short of funds, the school had only a few classrooms, all poorly constructed. Needless to say, our teachers were few, too. As a pupil I preferred the playground to the classroom and often liked to play tricks on girls, as by hiding insects in their desk drawers.

On one occasion, I even grimaced behind the back of our teacher, causing the whole class to break into laughter; however, instead of becoming angry, he merely asked why we were laughing and wondered whether there was anything wrong with him. On another occasion, I punctured the tires of a car parked inside the school by using something sharppointed, leaving the principal frightened and bewildered after he had noticed that. Such were the happy moments in my life at that school. The happiest moment, to me and to all of my schoolmates, however, was the one when the school was letting out at the last bell of the day and we were rushing home as if we would never be back. Once, on our way home, a bunch of naughty students found a crickets' hole and exerted themselves to inject water into it with loud cheers.

The girls were no less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.

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